Compass Rose Compass Rose

Elevating Minds

Elevating Minds

We guide industries, entities, and organisations to attain sustainability and resilience.

Our expertise helps clients to achieve ambitious ESG goals, especially in climate change mitigation, circular economy, the empowerment of women and minorities, and good governance via meaningful strategies and sustainable reporting. We also provide support for achieving international ESG standards certification.

Our services in line with the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework are:

1. Environmental Sustainability

Consultant Services
  • C-Suite reflections on sustainability, resilience, ambitious goal setting, self-improving management systems and meaningful implementation
  • Design and implementation of management systems for environmental protection
  • Certification and auditing support for management systems (i.e. ISO 14001, EAMS) and chains of custody for sustainable biogenic materials (i.e. ISCC)
  • Design and implementation of chain of custody systems for sustainable biogenic materials (agricultural biomass, biogenic wastes and residues, non-biological renewable materials and recycled carbon-based materials)
Internal Audit Services
  • Environmental management systems for manufacturing and chemical industries (ISO standard 14001, EMAS)
  • Chains of custody of sustainable biogenic materials (ISCC)

2. Social Sustainability

  • Coaching for women in leadership positions
  • C-Suite reflections on diversity, inclusion, and belonging for organisational performance and impact
  • DEI assessment and goal development as part of organisational strategy

3. Governance Sustainability

Strategy and Reporting Services
  • Strategy consulting for meaningful ESG goals
  • Seminars/Training on Sustainable Reporting (i.e. GRI, CSRD/ESRS)
  • Implementation of sustainable reporting projects

Elevating Minds

  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Sustainability
  • Governance Sustainability